
Portrait Nicole Van Der Poel
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- Nicole Van der Poel
- Promotion 2003 – DESS IPCA
- Perfumer senior chez Keva Fragrances
What is your educational background ?
A bachelor (option : biology), then a 2-year university diploma in biology, a bachelor and master in biochemistry, and then a master in perfumery at ISIPCA.
What is your professional path after your ISIPCA degree ?
I started at SGP Selin as creator-evaluator, then I worked 13 years at Mane as perfumer and I am finally work at Feva Europe as perfumer.
What do you particularly appreciate about your current job ?
The exact same thing that has motivated my choice : smelling la lot of new things and play with raw materials.
Why did you choose this industry ?
I wanted to smell the whole day, I love the feeling provoked by smelling, especially when the odor is good.
What advice (s) would you give to an alumni interested in your job ?
Be passionate, tenacious and mainly patient.
How would you describe your experience at ISIPCA in 2 words?
Necessary and rewarding.
Do you have a memory of ISIPCA that you would like to share with us?
A lot of memories about discoveries and experiments, but I have too much memories in mind to select only one !
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