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19 January 2021 Alumni Portraits
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  • Vanessa Tchoubia
  • Promotion 2015 – Mastère spécialisé en réglementation des produits cosmétiques et parfums
  • Regulatory affairs specialist at L'Oréal 


What is your educational background?

After a bachelor's degree in chemistry at the University of Tours, I continued my studies at ESCOM: a chemical engineering school in Compiegne. Then, I obtained the specialized master's degree in cosmetic regulatory affairs at ISIPCA, in partnership with ESCOM and EBI.


What is your professional path after your ISIPCA degree?

After ISIPCA, I started my career as cosmetics regulatory affairs officer at Intertek, a service provider that supports companies to ensure the quality and safety of their products, processes and systems.

Since 2017, I have been working as a regulatory affairs specialist at L'Oréal group.


What do you particularly appreciate about your current job?

I appreciate my job the most, my role in supporting innovation.

Indeed, contrary to popular belief, the role of the regulator is to support his company, his clients, in the research of regulatory solutions, supporting the innovation process. This, of course, with the respect of the regulations, to ensure product compliance.


Why did you choose this career?

I was surrounded by, and was made aware of the damages caused by the use of certain dangerous products. I refer in particular to depigmenting products popular with certain populations, I chose to practice in a profession that contributes to the use of "Safe" cosmetics.


What advice (s) would you give to an alumni interested in your job

To be curious and to be a constant learner, in fact the regulations are constantly evolving and you must always be up to date in order to ensure the compliance of the products in your scope. I would also say develop your collaborative spirit, in fact, regulatory field is a profession where you are in contact with several entities of the company.


How would you describe your experience at ISIPCA in 2 words?

If I had to describe my experience in 2 words, I would choose determinant and rich.

Indeed, it was at ISIPCA that I had the opportunity to meet professionals who reinforced my desire to practice the profession of cosmetics regulator.


Do you have a memory of ISIPCA that you would like to share with us?

The graduation from the regulatory congress of Chartres, an annual event that brings together the entire profession in the country. It was a unique and emotional experience to graduate in front of your peers.


In addition to your professional activities, you are a social entrepreneur, and lead various projects, the most recent of which is a podcast on job search. How did you get the idea for this project?

Boost your job search” is a Podcast made from a single observation: many people have diplomas, yet they still struggle to find a job. Many things could explain this situation obviously, including a lack of knowledge of the labor market.

As a result, “Booste ta recherche d’emploi,” through sharing experiences of the interviewees on a Podcast format, aims to give guidance to optimize either the job search or a career change in an increasingly complex professional environment.


Additional things to share?

I would simply add that whatever the path you choose (career, entrepreneurship, salaried work, studies etc. ...), believe in yourself and know that hard work pays off.


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