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09 March 2021 School
Viewed 712 times


This year, ISIPCA has set up a conference cycle forts students every Thursday afternoon.


The goal : allow them to broaden their knowledges on topics related to their studies and to benefit from feedbacks from professional from the flavors, fragrances, cosmetics, fashion and luxury sectors.


So, why are we talking about this today ? Simply to tell you that these conferences are now also open to our graduated ! Whether as a listener or a speaker, it's up to you.


Discover the planning of all the coming conferences (only in French): 






Patty Canac & Géraldine Archambault





Meeting with Olivier Fabre

Glover artisan - Maison Fabre Millau



Meeting with Sophie Placktor

Founder and creator of and

the application e-commerce "Les Ravisseuses" 




How to participate ? 

  • Log in on ISIPCA ALUMNI platform 
  • Register for the conferences that interest you
  • You will receive the link for the webinar 2 hours before
  • 2h avant le début de la conférence, vous recevrez le lien pour le webinaire
  • Registration is free and open for ISIPCA ALUMNI



Pour toute question concernant l'inscription, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter : 

Vous souhaitez intervenir ? Contacter Alain Zerbib et Mathieu Rostaing

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