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1925-2025 100 years of Parfumerie Moderne


Isabelle Sadoux will take us on an evening journey to (re)discover the successes of Perfumery: plunge with us into a century of famous perfumes.

Isabelle Sadoux is director of the LA VOIX DU PARFUM editorial agency.

She produces written content and audio podcasts for her customers, hosts her podcast La voix du parfum and creates and hosts conferences and workshops around perfumery.

2025 is an opportunity to celebrate the centenary of the 1925 Paris World's Fair by revisiting the Perfume Pavilion. At the time, creative euphoria affected all the arts at the heart of the Roaring Twenties, including perfumery. Particularly since the first use of synthetic molecules appeared with the discovery of coumarin by British chemist Sir William Henry Pekin in 1870. Famous names such as Poiret, Pivert, Germaine Cellier, Jeanne Lanvin or Gabrielle Chanel, Worth, Coty circulate. Designs and packaging evolved, giving rise to Parfumerie Moderne. One hundred years on, what has become of it, who are its heirs and what has it bequeathed to us?

Tuesday 18 March 2025
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 16th March
8 avenue de la porte de Champerret
75017 Paris
  • 8 € contributors

  • 12 € non-contributors

Isabelle Sadoux
content creator , journalist .


8 avenue de la porte de Champerret
75017 Paris

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

room 715

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Tuesday 18 March 2025
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 16th March
8 avenue de la porte de Champerret
75017 Paris
  • 8 € contributors

  • 12 € non-contributors

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